Creativity is IT.

I finished a book this week that got deep down in my guts. Beyond Anxiety by Martha Beck is a must-read.

From the title, you might think that the book is all about overcoming anxiety. That is a small part of it, but the rest of the book is about uncovering your creativity.

This REALLY hit home for me this week.

Why do we spend so much time trying to do what everyone tells us we should do when our bodies know what we should do?

What made you happiest as a child? What makes your heart do a little pitter patter? It doesn't have to be oil painting or sculpting.

Let me give you some examples from myself and those I know:

  • I've always loved fabrics & fibers- I find so much joy in sewing & crochet.

  • My dad is the most gorgeous woodworker and stained glass maker you've ever seen.

  • A friends of mine own a pet supply store and can remedy just about any ailment a pup has with food.

  • A friend of mine, moving through the grief of her own dog, created a dog obituary and has written them for others.

Most importantly about unlocking the joy of creativity: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO MONETIZE YOUR JOY. It's ok if it's your gut reaction--it's mine too. It's also ok if you do monetize it somehow (this usually happens organically) but it's also ok if you just have a bunch of crappy drawings in a drawer that make you so happy!

This is likely going to be on my mind for a few weeks, so let's explore!

Go be creative today,



Collect Your Creativity